Scofflaw Koi Pondering Swatched

Koi Pondering was another Scofflaw color that didn’t grab me at first. It was a little bit too bright blue and red, and I ordered it to fill out a minimum for free shipping figuring I would gift it to someone eventually. Then I got Love Letter to Kurt Vonnegut, and took a closer look at Koi Pondering, and I thought it deserved a try.

Once again, there’s more going on that you can see from a quick look at the bottle. There’s blue, and there’s large red and white and gold glitter, but there’s a micro glitter too. 


Koi Pondering is currently sold out at Scofflaw’s Etsy shop and at Llarowe, but should be restocked in the not too distant future.

Scofflaw Underripe

Scofflaw has some beautiful colors coming out for the summer, but I shouldn’t mention that because I don’t want competition at her restock. I can show you Underripe, however, because I already have it. Underripe is available exclusively at Llarowe for $11; Llarowe has free shipping on orders of $50 or more (and, honestly, very reasonable shipping for smaller orders) in case you need a justification to pic up a few other pretty things while you’re there.

Underripe is described as a kiwi green, and this was exactly what came to mind when it arrived (I love kiwis!). It has a beautiful silver microglitter, and then larger black square glitter and silver hex glitter. These aren’t readily apparent in my swatting pictures, because I had a hard time getting these out of the bottle, except for on the right hand of course, of which I am completely incapable of taking a picture.


One thing I noticed was that my polish was significantly lighter than the picture on Llarowe indicated. I’m not sure whether this was a batch variation or a difference in lighting, although I couldn’t find lighting that made my polish look as dark as that on the web site.

Scofflaw Love Letter to Kurt Vonnegut

The first time I heard of Scofflaw polish, a fairly new indie brand, it was because the owner of Nerd Lacquer was giving her a shout-out for her upcoming release. The launch sold out in a hot minute, and I didn’t really pay attention because I hadn’t seen any of the polishes anywhere, and nobody was really sure whether they were actually great, or everyone wanted them because Nerd said to buy them. I started following the Scofflaw page, and paying attention, and didn’t hear anything bad about them, and then Llarowe picked up Scofflaw which seemed to legitimize her even more, and then I found a couple of colors I liked and ordered from Llarowe, but haven’t used yet. I’ll be honest – most of her shades are things that just aren’t my cup of tea, although they’re very pretty. I’m not a big fan of creme bases, or yellows, or bright reds, or pinks. I look at her polish David Bowie’s Bulge and I can see the artistry; it is clear how it came from the picture on the album cover, it’s just not colors I’d wear.

In her latest restock though I came across a limited edition that WAS up my alley and did not pass go, did not collect $200 before it was in my cart. Good thing, too, because it sold out within a couple of minutes. And here is how Love Letter to Kurt Vonnegut arrived:


I was already in love at this point. How adorable! I waited a couple of days to open it, not wanting to ruin the magic of the packaging. This morning I carefully untied the string and painted my nails, and fell more in love. There’s also a beautiful sparkle to the blue base that I could not capture in any of the pictures I took. This was two coats, and it went on easily. And, while a Seche topcoat would have put an extra shine on it, it was not as textured as it looks in the second photo; this was a pretty smooth polish for something that has “bits and pieces” in it.

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Scofflaw is available on Etsy for $10 a bottle, and at Llarowe.

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